Our electric buses on the road
to fossil fuel-free future
Electrify is dedicated to delivering excellent offline & online solutions for public transport – we focus on designing and retrofitting best-in-class electric buses, electric minibuses and electric vans, additionally offering charging infrastructure solutions and bus infrastructure maintenance services.
We will guide you in selection of the right
charging solution

Inverted pantograph
- Opportunity charging
- Automated DC charging with up to 450 kW power
- Charge time 5 min for 20 km range
- Operating temperature -30C to +40C
- Charging can take place while passengers are boarding / unboarding the minibus

DC charging
- Standardised DC charging with up to 150 kW power
- Charge time 25 min for 100 km range

AC charging
- Standardised AC charging with up to 22 kW power
- Charge time 2 hr 20 min for 100 km range

Andris Dambis
Chief engineer
Andris is a world renowned electric car engineer and rally driver. OSCar that he constructed is the first electric vehicle in history to finish the Dakar rally. Also his eO PP03 is the winner and the world record setter of “Pikes Peak International Hill Climb” and the first 1MW electric race car. Andris is also a serial entrepreneur, who has participated in multiple automotive technology startups. Electrify is his first attempt for serial production.
Photo source: Edijs Pālens / LETA

Kristaps Dambis
CTO, co-founder
Kristaps is the co-founder of Electrify and the projects lead in electric car manufacturer eO. His passion is the design of the electric drive solutions, electric controllers. He has vast experience in sports car engineering, also, retrofitting Mitsubishi race cars to electric drive. Kristaps has spent 6 years in the UK car manufacturing industry including quality assurance for Rolls Royce Motor Cars.

Agris Amoliņš
COO, co-founder
Agris is the CFO and the co-founder of Electrify. He is a results-oriented CFO, with a special interest in technology and startups. He has spent 4 years in roles throughout the automotive distribution value chain and 8 years in the finance industry. Prior to Electrify Agris was heading sales in Mercedes Benz Latvia, also coordinating strategy with Daimler AG. Thanks to his effort Electrify holds the retrofit rights for Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and MAN minibuses. Agris is passionate about bringing smart and green transport solutions to the market.

Aigars Dancis
Managing Director, co-founder
Aigars is the co-founder of Electrify. He has 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in automotive and transport as business owner and as investor. Aigars has experience with all elements of the business, including sales, lease, finance and integrated city mobility solutions. Aigars is passionate about smart urban transport solutions aimed at development of modern and liveable cities.

Electrify is full service company providing electric mobility for public transport
Electrify specialises in retrofitting medium-sized electric buses, electric vans and electric minibuses in Europe. We do retrofitting from A to Z: design, production, certification according to requirements and the whole adaptation of charging infrastructure

At Electrify , we strive to provide our customers with reliable and innovative products that drive the electric revolution. To ensure that our electric buses, batteries, and charging systems meet the highest standards of quality and environmental management, we obtained three important ISO certifications in 2022. These certifications, granted by NSF-ISR, demonstrate our commitment to delivering products that meet established standards from design to delivery.

Darbības programmas “Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 3.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Palielināt augstas pievienotās vērtības produktu un pakalpojumu eksporta proporciju” pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros 13/04/2016 noslēgts Līgums par atbalsta saņemšanu komersantiem Nr. SKV-L-2022/397 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru

SIA “Electrify” (reģ. nr. 44103126791) realizē projektu Nr.VP-PI-2022/74 saskaņā ar Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu „Tehnoloģiju pārneses programma” (projekta identifikācijas numurs inovāciju vaučeru programmā, lai izstrādātu ar atjaunojamiem energoresursiem darbināma maza izmēra kuģa rūpniecisko dizainu.

2024. gada 29. augustā SIA “Electrify” noslēdza sadarbības līgumu ar kompetences centru SIA “ETKC“ par Pētniecības projekta Nr. P7 “Ūdeņraža degvielas risinājuma integrācija mazizmēra kuģī” īstenošanu.
Projekta Nr.
Pētniecības projekta īstenošanas periods: 01.09.2024 – 30.08.2026.
- Aktivitātes atskaite
1. Aktivitātes atskaite
Periods : 01.09.2024- 30.11.2024
- Aktivitātes atskaite

2024. gada 29. augustā SIA “Electrify” noslēdza sadarbības līgumu ar kompetences centru SIA “ETKC” par Pētniecības projekta Nr. P11 “Elektrotransporta ārēja akumulatora un BMS risinājuma izstrāde “ īstenošanu.
Projekta Nr.
Pētniecības projekta īstenošanas periods: 01.09.2024 – 30.08.2026.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Universal Ltd is the largest minibus manufacturer in Latvia
Universal Ltd has 30 years of experience in minibus manufacturing. They started as the producer of seats and parts and have emerged into the leading manufacturer of minibuses in Europe, Latvia. Universal Ltd delivers over 200 buses to the market annually. Universal Ltd holds retrofit rights with Mercedes, Volkswagen and MAN.

Universal Ltd is the largest minibus manufacturer in Latvia
Universal Ltd has 30 years of experience in minibus manufacturing. They started as the producer of seats and parts and have emerged into the leading manufacturer of minibuses in Europe, Latvia. Universal Ltd delivers over 200 buses to the market annually. Universal Ltd holds retrofit rights with Mercedes, Volkswagen and MAN.

Drive e0 | excellence in electric vehicles
eO is an internationally renowned prototyping company, which specialises in electric and hybrid vehicle solutions. They have produced global award winning sports cars (PikesPeak, OSCar), and now have engaged in optimal electric minibus prototyping with us.